Saturday, July 25, 2009

A Flight Out of Time: July 25th, 2009


Today is called "Zero Day", or the "Day Out Of Time." In a solar year the moon phases from new to full a total of 13 times, in 28 day periods. 13 multiplied by 28 equals 364 days. The 365th day of the year is today: July 25th. The Mayans, Druids, and Egyptians all utilized this system.

So today is a flight out of time. Consider this in light of the Zen saying: "You are time."

Today we can escape from the concept of absence from our own lives by embracing the unknown. By taking a flight that is a flight out of time (as Hugo Ball entitled his Dada diaries) a "flight into the desert (of the real)," into the silence of a poet, we return to ourselves... only to see that we have moved on.

In Pascal's Pensees, #542, he writes: "Thoughts come at random, and go at random. No device for holding on to them or for having them. A thought has escaped: I was trying to write it down: instead I write that it has escaped me."


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