Monday, June 2, 2008

In the beginning was fear

In the beginning--of this--there was and is fear...

But there is no false profundity.

Beginnings, especially written beginnings, are only "hard" because I want to impress somebody.

So there will be only one commitment here: there will be no pretense. It will be avoided. Rigorously.

Instead: honesty. As best I know how. I suspect honesty actually improves with use. I wouldn't know. Yet. But I'd like to.

This blog is a journal. A journal's function is to record. I will do that. I am doing that. As simply and as honestly as I know how now.

The Goal: So that in the end I may return to this point and KNOW there was no beginning and end. There is only now.

I don't know that. Now. Maybe I will.

I'd like to.

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